Take the survey and help your fellow businesses
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought change to our everyday lives, leading to unprecedented shifts in behavior. With the state re-opening and moving towards economic recovery, the Business Record and Iowa-based research firm SPPG + Essman Research, are teaming up to help you and your business best understand the sentiment around a variety of issues related to COVID-19
On behalf of the Business Record and SPPG + Essman Research, I invite you to help your fellow businesses by participating in a brief 8-minute research survey.
The survey will explore your concerns and comfort levels on re-opening and economic recovery around a variety of activities such as work, traveling, dining out, shopping, and attending events in our new COVID-19 world. Your responses will only be reported in aggregate with other Iowans.
The survey results will be highlighted in the Business Record, and shared with public and private sector decision-makers to aid them in leading us through this pandemic and economic recovery.
Please complete the survey by Thursday, July 2, 2020.
Thank you in advance for your time and effort helping us all to navigate through the COVID-19 challenge with the best information possible.
- Chris Conetzkey, Publisher and Executive Editor of the Business Record
- Deborah Stearns, Market Research Director at SPPG + Essman Research